Monday, May 5, 2014

Paul Hunter Zaid #14


     This is my final blog posting...for this entry I decided to reflect on how the course theme of nature and the environment has impacted me. I'll be honest, at first when I heard that all course work would need to center around the nature/environment theme I was dismayed. I thought how could I relate all thoughts to nature? Well it was easy to do and during the process it opened my mind to even more appreciation for the world around me. 

     I'll admit, I'm 36 and have rarely recycled. I'm ashamed of the admission, but it's true. It's not that I am in total denial of where my trash ends up, but more so of just being lazy. Too lazy to separate my recyclables and carry them 15 feet away from my apartment to the "Refuse Room," where my landlord would bag and take it to the curb for me, now that's lazy! Our class focus on nature and the environment for the past 4 months have allowed me to think long and hard about my impact on this wonderful planet that I inhabit and how I take it for granted. For that I thank you professor, take note that although I may not recycle 100% of my waste, know that you impacted one person to at least start to change his ways. 

     Analyzing and critiquing essays and poems has taken me back to my constant longing and appreciation for nature and animals. Growing up in a rural setting I've always had a respect and wonderment for nature that was instilled in me during my upbringing. After moving to Brooklyn 2 years ago I'm constantly reminding myself daily how much I miss clean fresh air, trees, animals, and nature surrounding me. I can honestly say this focus on nature and the environment has been an outlet for me. Instead of focusing on "homework," I've been able to transport my imagination back to what calms and soothes my mind and soul-nature. 

     I know like all the authors and scientists that we have read readings from this semester will carry me through this time of great thought and prioritizing of what I strive for and how I wish for nature to be part of my life. My own personal journey coupled with our class focus has me pondering how important a life in an urban setting is for me. I'm hoping to find that perfect setting for myself that mixes just the right amount of urban with my strong desire to have a home, yard, garden, and natural scenery. Wherever life's road may take me I know that I will have English 201 to thank for a new ecological perspective.

          Thank you~

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