Thursday, May 22, 2014

Kelly Bonilla #1

        For those of you who might actually still be reading these at the end of the semester, hello there! Disappointingly, I am just now beginning my blog entries for the course, so this should be interesting....
      Today, our last day of finals was pretty gloomy. The sky was cloudy, and to my dismay the sun was not shinning like I hoped it would be when I walked out of school today. Just the occasional sprinkle here and there, not even actual rain. Of course, it started pouring right when I left my house to go to work (perfect timing). Never fear, though, Mother Nature still graced me with her spring time presence in the form of all the pollen that was emitted into the air from last night's downpour.
This is why for a good period of time I really wanted to move to California to live with my aunt and uncle- I forget the name of where they live- all I know is that it only rains about twice a year. I'm sure I could get used to the occasional earthquake.

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