Thursday, May 22, 2014

Kelly Bonilla 2

For the final paper, I had every intention of doing the space observation paper. I figured it would be an interesting way to spend some of the rare leisure time (amongst the chaos of the end of the semester) and get some of the work done, too. But then, big surprise, I got sick yet again. Strep throat decided to take me down hard and I was pretty much stuck in bed when I wasn't dragging my sorry ass (how informal are we allowed to be here?) to work or to the Hunter library. So I didn't really have much chance to go sit and observe a public space. So I resorted to the text analysis using the Berry piece. And the whole time I was re-reading that piece I was thinking, "wouldn't it be cool if a bear just came out of nowhere and tore up the camp site?'' or something like that. While the Berry piece was insightful, I think it definitely would have been interesting if he had some sort of stimulating and almost dangerous wilderness experience. Not that I wanted him to get hurt or anything, but it sure would have been exciting.

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