Friday, May 2, 2014

KayJoon #8

Another memorable and unique nature experience I noted during my trip was to Crater Lake National Park in Oregon. I’ve been here before, but I could go back everyday for the rest of my life and still be amazed. I’ll insert a photo so you can see what I mean. Having only been around the Hudson and our portion of the Atlantic in the past few months, anything even slightly blue is appealing to me. As you can see, Crater Lake is about 1000x more that just “slightly blue”. This photo actually does do justice to the place without any editing. First of all, this body of water was formed because of the collapse of a volcano over a hundred years ago. Because there are no rivers flowing in or out of it, this water is some of purest because of the absence of pollutants. The depth of the lake is also impressively deep, being below sea level.

You know how there are places that are really cool even if you don’t know anything about them? And then there are places that are cooler when you know more about them? Well, I feel like Crater Lake is defiantly the first one, although knowing why it is is cool; it's simply beauty in it’s purest form, no explanation required.

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