Sunday, May 4, 2014

Gabriella Grimes Entry #13

It's the time of the season for leg shaving. Not the most fun time either. Every year I feel like it's a constant competition to see how far I can get into warm weather and still wear stockings. Stockings mean not having to shave but it's gotten to the point where my legs feel suffocated and taking a razor to them is the only way for me to not feel like Mr. Snuffleupagus from Sesame Street. I try to preach Feminism up and down, left and right, but I'll never get to the point in which I find it okay for me to not have my legs shaved whilst wearing a skirt. Even some men I've known shave their legs. And they tend to put much more effort into it: they'll shave their legs about every two days. Who has time for that? Not me.

This post doesn't really make sense, but the warmer weather is going to be stressful in more ways than it just being warm. Warmer weather means more idiots out on the streets doing stupid things. It means not knowing if it's going to be warm enough to go jacket-less because it was 60 degrees yesterday and I needed a jacket but it was also 60 degrees three days ago and I didn't need a jacket at all. It means friends are no longer okay with staying inside and want to go outside and do actual activities. I didn't sign up for this nonsense and I'm not here for it honestly.

I wish I could say that I'm not going to give in this year to the pressure from the warm weather and stay inside with hairy legs covered by stockings but that would be lying and I'm a quitter. Maybe if women have to shave their legs, men should have to shave their arms. There needs to be some sort of trade-off. How about if every time a woman was pressured into shaving her legs by societal norms, men lose one piece of hair on their head. And not even in like an organized manner, but just in random places so six months from now, they'll have random patches of hair missing. And as for the friends who think it's okay to drag people who easily overheat all over the city, they should just move very far away so I don't have to deal with their nonsense.

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