Sunday, April 6, 2014

Paul Hunter Zaid #9


     My entry for this week is an observation that I made during our class session on the roof deck of Hunter College. In my opinion it was truly the first day of Spring weather-it was glorious! The sun was shining brightly and there was that slight chill in the air that was succumbing to the warmth of the sunshine. At first when I read the email regarding having class on the roof deck I thought to myself, "how would class outside differ from class inside?"
     As soon as our class had started to walk outside there was a slow breakdown of the old familiar classroom barriers, there was the starting of a real connection among our classmates. Next thing we were on the roof and forming our circle to conduct class. The first thing that popped into my head was how this environment would be too distracting with other students talking, the noisy sound of traffic and sirens blaring past on the streets down below. As soon as we started to analyze the essays I was surprised by how I was actually more in tune with the essay! The distractions of the city around me only enhanced the experience of the essays that were being read. I observed that my fellow classmates were more vocal in their opinions regarding the essays, perhaps it was the lack of the setting of a traditional classroom setting? Or the fact that being outside somehow allowed the readers to be immersed into the essays? 
     I'm confident that we each have our own reasoning for this experience. I know for myself that being outside truly made me connect with the essays and that the lack of a classroom setting allowed for me to connect more closely to the essays. So to Professor Bailey I say to you, "Kudos and what a great idea!"

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